Water Remediation USA, LLC DBA Clear Water Weed Removal offers quality chemical free services that turn fishing, sporting, and recreational waters into a habitat for enjoyment while maintaining a healthy ecosystem for future generations.
Our mechanical weed removal service is the most efficient way to clean up lakes, ponds, rivers, waterways, etc!
Weed-ridden water is our specialty!
Removing invasive aquatic plants and weeds without chemicals allows any body of water to return to a healthy balance of native plants, fish and microorganisms.
Mechanical weed removal efficiently solves the problems caused by invasive aquatic plants.
Learn about our Dredging services, Underwater Scuba Diving and Onshore Services!
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Water Remediation USA, LLC
1251 Pin Oak Road
Suite 131-303 Katy, TX 77494
Phone: 713-725-8628